Sunday, January 29, 2012

Not much going on...

Well I weighed in on Friday and I lost the two pounds that i had gained the previous week.  Chad on the other hand lost 3 1/2 pounds...go figure that out...LOL.....

It is Sunday and Caitlyn and I had a little fun doing Xbox Kinect ... now relaxing on the couch catching up on some Hallmark movies that i recorded.........

Monday, January 23, 2012

New Goal

Okay so i have thought of a new goal...see i have always wanted to be a runner but i have realized that it is very unlikely to do that because of the way i run will hurt my shins.  Anyway so i thought that maybe i could start walking/jogging on the treadmill for at least 3 miles..for anybody who knows me ..this will be a challenge because it is hard for me to keep going after 1 mile.....

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Relaxing sunday

We have had a relaxing Sunday...we got up and worshipped with our First Baptist Family.  Came home and got in relaxing clothes and have laid around catching up on shows....even got me an hour nap!!!!  Looking forward to another goal for this week is to work out at least 4 times this week and lose 1lb........we will see!!!

have a great week.....

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Just another Saturday....

Well it has been a relaxing Saturday....woke up and went to the gym (Extreme Image) and took a step class...if you don't know what that is well it is a high impact cardio class where you do the routines on a step.  Then came home ate breakfast ready and went to work for about an hour or two. 

Came home and have been relaxing and trying to get caught up on all my recorded shows on DVR......yay!!!!!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Weigh In 1/20/2012

Well we had our weigh in this morning and sadly i didn't do so well.

Todays weigh in 238 -- 2lbs gained, but that is okay I am not going to let that get me down.......i am going to keep doing what i am doing i will get to my goal no matter what.

Chad on the other hand lost 1/2 lb......

Thursday, January 19, 2012

First Weigh In 01/13/2012

Went on Friday for our first weigh in after starting

Down to 236 --lost 5 lbs.....yay me!!!!!

Starting a New "Lifestyle"

Okay about 2 weeks ago we started a Body Challenge at Extreme Image.  I am excited about this because i am going to be held accountable but not so excited because that means eating right.  As some of you may know already I am a diabetic which means i should be eating right, but i know where i can splurge.  I know that i can do this because i have lost weight before but didn't stick with it and this time around Chad and I are going to do this challenge together. 

One of my biggest obstacles is going to be cooking the right kinds of things without eating them all the time, which is fine with me, but not Chad.

Starting Weight (1/8/2012) :241

Goal is to lose 30 lbs in 6 months and once i hit that goal i will make another ultimate goal is to get down to 160-170 and a size 12.  I know this will be a long and hard journey, but  it will be worth it in the end.